Hi, and today I am pretty excited about going to VidCon It's pretty well solidified I will be going and I have been thinking about my plans and well I mean basically they're pretty...



uh... i talked yesterday about my time at circuitcity working and we tell it all the couple stories and asked people to send stories then i got so many funny stories louis united believe this i want...
Celebration of the birth of SOUST 30 years of INRI CRISTO's revolution Ten thousand people were listening to a sermon in Belem of Para INRI then started to speak and to command It was a...



Broadly what I work on is innovation policy and so what I'm interested in is how technological innovation, science and engineering can spur economic growth and can also spur job creation. So I...
It's a red line We can't turn an eye Syria was always in sight It was a matter of time To send in the clowns - the warmongering clowns On one hand Assad On the other Al Qaeda What...
okay kim dement itsme jesus hello there jesus do you know how i want to spend my birthday gentlemen alumni don't understand my birthday is coming up do you know what is not cool no jesus hydro...
let bailout story w in wisconsin there was a big spring corporates between up artery clogging burke falkinburg locks one of the stories that came out about uh... supreme court judge justice uh......
[phone rings] >> CONGRESSWOMAN: Hello? >> OBAMA: Hi, this is President Barack Obama. I rarely make these calls, and I-- >> CONGRESSWOMAN: This is ridiculous!...
cern liberals use truck time this is a indian interview that was then played on fox news in fact this clip is from fox news where in this uh... fear this five disagrees five people uh... whatever the...