Up to now I was reading with an old Kindle Touch. Now, I wanted a device with better background light, higher Resolution and faster response time. This is exactly what I got. But not instantly....
To start off with our space scene, we are going to need to start with a background. So, on our screen here we see that we have got Photoshop open here. Let us create a new document and let us change...
Okay so after recording that little instructional video I realized that there is some issue between renaming the extensions of .mov and .mp4 as is often times with Premiere or technology in general...
{QTtext}{timescale:100}{font:Verdana}{size:20}{backColor:0,0,0} {textColor:65280,65280,65280}{width:960}{justify:center} {plain} [00:00:00.50] After Effects offers an ability called precomping....
1. Start by clicking on "File" - "New" and choose a black background. 2. Now go on "Filter" - "Render" - Lens Flare and choose...
自細要聽歌 有收音機 有喜愛音樂就跳起 上榜幾十星期 聽出心機 每一首有驚喜 搖動跌宕旋律 溫柔強烈原來仍回味 這滋味 來回大氣 聽歌想起你 今日有點諷刺 唱片也不賣沒法子 再多感人曲詞 花光心思 聽不到播一次 還是算吧 從此我懶去介意 唱我喜愛的事 亂試 無須囉嗦 來隨時聽首歌 繁囂太過 些微閒情會錯過 動人的歌 心情平衡不顛簸 會打破 煩擾的許多 難清楚 主持為何不點歌 來嬉笑過 新聞潮流也說...
Hello Students. we are going to bring together some of the things you have learned in the past few tutorials with the gradient tool, the paint bucket tool and drawing and putting two images together...



You can use Apple's Motion program to clone or remove parts of a moving video image. For example, let's say we want to remove this guy's microphone from his shirt. Press...
In Apple Motion you can use a combination of LiveFonts and regular fonts to create some cool looking effects. To create this exploding title effect, activate the text tool and type your title within...



Hey Guys! It's DaganMind, and today I want to talk about what I think are the best plugins, or simply what I think should be a must have for AfterEffects! INTRO! Obviously, having prepared a...