Hi my name is Benjamin Knowles and I'm the creator of the skilled network marketer.com And one of the questions that I get asked a lot is what is the quickest and easiest way for a newbie to...
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Next! Good morning Emperor. There's a nice day outside isn't it? Get in the business! The budget you gave us... We have built 50 % of the Super Star Destroyer you procured and now...
Oh! It was all a bad dream! Ahhhhhhh! It was just a girl zombie in my dreams! Hmm! BREAEFDR! VGDFDDF! *Gasp* Uhh...Ahhhhh! Somebody that I used- Ow! BFFGCDFGCD OOHHHH KILL HIM! WOOOO! BCGCF! DIE!...
A Stormtrooper's life Do you really want to play this again? Yes. But I always beat you... No! This time will be different! Ok, you asked for it. Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock...
I think comedy on the internet has taken off because most people are at work and it's just a nice little escape. It's so accessible. It's right there. Why not laugh a little...
Oh..my leg. it's stuck. It's underneath. Ahh! Maybe I have to press a...button Beeping sound HERE I GO!!! Landoff sound (crash) Crow sound. Heeheehhee owoww yeee owow I have...to...
["Star Wars" music plays.] A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...I made a hologram for myself. My "Anakin". Hello "Anakin". You look...
While much has been written on its influence on contemporary living, it is impossible to the aristocracy, obviously. In the light of this I will break down the issues in order to give each of them the...
Once upon a time, the time being the fifteen hundreds, was a story of two star crossed lovers. This is that story, just shortened for your pleasure. As I was saying, there were two star crossed lovers...