
Ty Burrell: This is Ty Burrell. Sarah Hyland: I'm Sarah Hyland. Ariel Winter: Hi, my name is Ariel Winter. Rico Rodriguez: Hi, my name is Rico Rodriguez from "Modern Family,"...
Hey guys, look what I got. Ohhh classic.He can't even swim! Does it matter who I kill boss? Nah boy it's alright! Yo! Hope you like prison. Hey look a flying platypus on fire!...
From Shields Lame Comedy You know That channel that's brought you some pretty intertaining videos? Has brought you yet another When 2 guys deside they want to kill someone Over something...
Turret: Who's there? Turret: Is anyone there? Turret: I see you. Chell rises from a stasis inside of a glass box She isn't greeted by faces, Only concrete and clocks. That's...



Y'know, these are really annoying. (Quinn) (Henry) Yeah. I wish everything was wireless (Quinn) (Henry) Hmmmmm... Wire-lesss... (Quinn) Wire-lesssss No recycling bins. (Henry) We should report...

