Household loans fell for the first time in 11 months in January due to a drop in mortgage and credit loans. The Bank of Korea said Tuesday... the amount of outstanding household loans by local banks...
I spend my time traveling around the country, traveling around the world, talking to people about the progress and challenges that the world faces, dealing with, what I say, is one of the biggest...
The United States has warned that it will pull all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by the end of this year as the Afghan president is dragging his feet on signing a security agreement with Washington,...
Hey what's up guys this is WJA shakebabys bringing you some clips from last year from MW3 this is all hard core search and destroy with me, WJA Sooper Doopa, ProTegii, and x Auto Aim...



Hey everybody! I'm hanging out here with my friend, the capybara. I just wanted to take a minute today to say thank you to everybody who's watched, shared, and commented on The Brain...
Citing preliminary figures from the World Trade Organization, China says it has replaced the United States to become the world's largest goods trader... while Korea has leapfrogged Japan to...
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[ Music and applause ] >> Michal Pilato: Thank you. Thank you so much. This is truly an honor for me. My whole life I've been painting murals. Since I was five years old I was...
>> [Background Music] Since FDA approval last year, there hasn't been a surgery done. And so the University of Michigan will be the first to implant this device. >>...
Take a Stand Lend a Hand Stop Bullying Now Great job, Josh! You trimmed ten seconds off your best time. You'll make the track team this year for sure. Way to go, Josh! Hey, Josh-ster. That was...