What are these children doing? They are not in a physical education class, nor a ceremony rehearsal. These hundreds of students are waiting for the sign of Prof. Dulgergil to brush younger...
Now, let me introduce to Redurtni Redurtni is a professional anti-intruder iPhone app With Redurtni, your iPhone will be transfered to your personal bodyguard You will be worry free someone would...
The Black Sea Region has two distinctive geographic traits. At one side you can see the endless blue sea, and at the other dark mountains covered by fog... Mountains are such an important aspect of...
This is Ytterbium. Again, a Lanthanide. Stored in a very old glass bowl. Ytterbium is one of three Lanthanides, which was named after a Swedish town called Ytterby which is where They were all...
If you’re looking for a great franchising opportunity, this is the right place. With over 50 years experience, Ziebart is the worldwide leader in vehicle appearance and protection services. Our...



All right, if you'll just put this under your belt. - What? - Actually, just-- Sorry. lt's okay, it's still dark outside. lt's fine. lt's fine. It's...
They worked in pursuit of a better tomorrow Through their efforts, they contributed to the lives of others They empowered others, creating new opportunities and hope. They spent their days for the...