Maripaz: We made it… it can´t be I don´t see the old lady car… Rafa is not here THere's Rafa's car… Kika we need Rafa's keys Listen to me where are Rafa's keys? Kika:;...
MAX: It’s the crazy woman of the store! She has a shotgun, a shotgun! She has a shotgun? Yes, a gun, we have to leave! What? Rafa! Rafa Get away of the window! RAFA: No, I don't see anyone....



Max: Please, please run… Be careful… Max: Kika, are you Ok? my leg… it hurts… it’s broken… Max: calm down, calm down Kika: I won’t be able to walk Max: Let me see… Max It’s fine please walk! Stand!...
CAUNRIIVSMISA,IONhD Navidad En E Va caREnoYE S UNIVISIONhDNavidD hDvi♪dad En. E♪l Vati.cano N Enavida.d ♪En El .Vaticano ISCUVaANtiDOcano UNIVISIONV NENhDNavidad En El Vaticano N D UNSEdad En El...
Flow state is an optimal.... It's the most optimal mindset that we're in. It's the most efficient brain and mind processing known to us. And when we drop into a flow state......
My angel , if you come down to earth I want us to talk together I expect you to give me advice how to heal a heart that bleeds . My angel, I have incurable wound, miracle is still alive has a deep...



My name’s Darren Tims, I’m a principal at Rice Daubney. I’m just going to show you a bit of a snapshot of some of the work we’ve been doing over the last number of years, particularly in relation to...
why did you gave me this cigarette case because you have thought craftily about me and since deep inside you want to drive me out of your life why did you gave me this cigarette case ? and since deep...
When I get bothered by thoughts like "Sometimes that's fine." Isn't it because Noise started mixing? I'm not really bothered, but the sound that's...
PREVIOULSY The special report you will now se, explores the legend of the night of San Juan… …its origin in Latin America date the colonial period… …when Spaniards conferred a diabolic power to this...