Kids-learning activities

>>She said baseball and soccer. >>Diana: Every kid has an interest. Sometimes he doesn't know what it is, sometimes he can't articulate it. But every kid...
Hi, I'm Katalin, the creator of Creative English. I am here on behalf of Expert Village and I am going to explain to you why reading games are important for children. It can be also a good...
LYN EPSTEIN: Now, I've just shown you how to show the kids how to make monster toast or the monster face, rather. Now, is the time to pass out the supplies because if you pass them out too...
Hi, I'm Veronica Baragas with my, and I just want to give you a few tips on some after school care ideas that you can do with your kids. Of course there's always...
everybody this summer and after thirty v and here to play a round and round one of the things i would share with you in a few moments is the one thing that people teach their kids and actually hold...
opening music Mass. Children is an initiative to address childhood obesity, and increase physical... ... activity for children and introduce healthy eating habits for children. It really has changed...
Let's take a walk in the jungle Walking in the jungle Walking in the jungle We're not afraid We're not afraid Walking in the jungle Walking in the jungle We're not...
My name is Courtney on behalf of Expert Village and in this clip I'm going to show you a concrete way to teach your kids how to add two and three digit numbers. We're going to use...



Hi, I’m Ellie from The Catholic Company, and this is the The Holy Mass Coloring Book.     The Holy Mass Coloring Book contains coloring pages and activities to take children through the different...
Hi! This is Betsy from Classroom Teacher Resources. Iím going to talk with you today about geometry. Hi, this is Betsy from Classroom Teacher Resources, talking about some more math today. I really...