Kathryn's kitchen blog

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Billy Bush: I'm Billy Bush. Shar Jackson: I'm Shar Jackson. Blake Lewis: This is Blake Lewis. Caroline Sunshine: Hey guys, it's Caroline Sunshine. Emily Osment: Hey,...
When defined by the dictionary as a bundle of firm, stiff twigs or fibers bound together to a handle for the primary purpose of sweeping. The common broom no longer sounds quite so ordinary. in fact...
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NICOLE: Coming up on Rehab Addict. I'm continuing the work on a beautiful 1880s home that had been boarded up for almost two years. Don't jump, it's not that bad. I'm...
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It's disgusting. ...the renovation of this marvelous 1880s house is well under way, and the upstairs bedrooms and bathroom are next on my list. The walls are crumbling due to water damage. The...