My name is Christoph Sharp. And I go under the name of "Decadent Decay." Decadent Decay. It's very rich and yet horrible all the same time. It's, it kind of makes me...
Special Thanks to "Ja" to help us making this subtitle happen. First met while studying in San Diego, USA During a school break One year later after our first met Thailand Hi Hi This...
We know geodata is messy but our renders are amazing If you wanna fix the addressing Then our software is a blessing. We're at Nottingham just to learn the insides of mesuring earth from the...
Class, today we will be joined by two new students.. they are both from Aliceville. . Kate, you'll be incharge of showing them around the school grounds later today Hi, I'm Fance....
So, you're confused about the real estate market in Spartanburg? Is this the right time? How do I get the most money for my home? How do I sell fast! You need an experienced full-time Realtor!...
Hello! I'm excited today because I really just finished a book -- I really mean it, I finished it last night in bed, just roaring through the pages. It's called "A Madness of...
Hi I'm Anthony Romero Executive Director of Americans Civil Liberties Union. When my Colleague's and I that ACLU first heard about this project 'It Gets Better', we...
(WE DID NOT KEEP TO THE SCRIPT AND WE ARE SORRY THAT NOT ALL OF THIS IS CORRECT) It's cat and abi and they're hanging with friends! You can see them do mini movies, web shows and more,...
Welcome to the Saddleback Library. My name is Elizabeth and I am the Distance Learning Librarian at Saddleback College. Today we will learn about NoodleTools, the bibliographic management software in...
Hi. My name’s Ali Shaw and this is my novel, “The girl with glass feet.” It’s a love story and in many ways a fairy story for adults, about a young woman called Ida MacLaird who is slowly...