- Where have you been? <br>- Watch duty. - With Sam. <br>- Ah, prince porkchop. - Where is he? <br>- He wasn't hungry. Impossible! That's...
( Donkey braying ) Remember what happens to children who run. I'm your father and I'll do the talking. The roads have gone right to hell, haven't they? Cracked three spokes...
Tell me about Jon Arryn. One minute he was fine and then Burned right through him, whatever it was. I loved that man. We both did. He never had to teach you much, but me? You remember me at 16? All I...
Take care, my lord. I remember reading an old sailors' proverb, "Piss on wildfire and your cock burns off." Oh, I have not conducted this experiment. It could well be true....
- Arya! <br>- Ow! What are you doing here? - Go away. <br>- Your sister? - And who are you, boy? <br>- Mycah, my Lord. - He the butcher's boy....
You broke my nose, bastard! It's an improvement. If we threw you over The Wall, I wonder how long it would take you to hit. I wonder if they'd find you before the wolves did....
I'm Jon Snow. I anchor Channel 4 news and I deal with news, politics, foreign affairs, science, arts, anything that comes my way. In a hundred years time I think we'll have no devices...
No one's going to believe you're a hog farmer if you eat them all. Best part of the animal. Don't worry. They're still there. I know they're still there. You...
Mord! Mord! Mord! Mord. Noise again! - About the gold - No gold! - No gold. - Listen to me! Listen to me. Sometimes possession is an abstract concept When they captured me, they took my purse, but the...