within the last thing we retire afghanistan uh... and we'd look at a permanent political perspective with us about you know her uh... effective in the way he cover them boom war and with a...
I got my eyes on you. You're everything that I see I want your hot love and emotion, endlessly. I can't get over you. You left you mark on me I want your hot love and emotion,...
(Sound of a light bulb rolling across the floor; music plays) I think there's an illusion often that's put out across the culture that we have gender equity in the U.S. I would say we...
I think it's important to try to understand more about where we come from; what makes us human, what makes us animal, what makes us more similar to non-human primates than not. We started...
bjbj Hi my name is Jennifer Miscove and I'm originally from California, and I decided to head out to the lovely weather in Birmingham to do my PhD. I'm doing a PhD in Global...



So it's three o'clock in the morning and I'm bored as fuck so, this is what I decided to do. Uh, I just get on here and I start talking, and I won't stop talking and...
REI INAMOTO: One thing that is driving this change, I think, is connection. One of the things that gets me excited every day to get up and come to work is the fact that we live in a time when a...



[intro music] >> ELLA: Hi guys! It’s Ella again from MakeCheese.ca, here to help you find your inner cheesemaker. Today, we’re going to be making, drum roll [drum roll] Cream Cheese!...