DOUG JENKINS: Hi. I'm Doug. I work with 20 great guys in St. Louis at Doug Jenkins Custom Hot Rods, and we're going to do some work for you today on Expert Village. The next task is to...
DOUG JENKINS: Hi. I'm Doug. I work with 20 great guys in St. Louis at Doug Jenkins Custom Hot Rods, and we're going to do some work for you today on Expert Village. Dan has got the...



Hi I'm Doug. I work with twenty great guys in St. Louis at Doug Jenkins Custom Hot Rods, and today we're going to do some work for you on Expert Village. The first step that...
01 Blue Lake by TravelPod member fyrelizard 02 Ferns by TravelPod member fyrelizard 03 Lake Tarawera by TravelPod member fyrelizard 04 A walk in the park by TravelPod member fyrelizard 05 Rotorua by...
Hi, I'm Doug. I work with twenty great guys in St. Louis at Doug Jenkins Custom Hot Rods and we're going to do some work for you today on Expert Village. Next thing Mark's...



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Braeden: Oh, no, we're not doing that, we're live! Good evening everybody. Say hi to Chris, say hi to Brian, Say hi to Jeremy. Jeremy: Ohai! Braeden: We have a lot of good stuff to...
I think you have wonderful amenities here in the Ottawa–Gatineau region. We’re standing at one of them right here, and they’re perfect sites on both cities. Right now we’re standing fairly close to...