Hi , I’m Rick Mallon, the Technology Director for the St Johnsbury School District. Our IT Department is creating a series of Help Desk resources that you can access 24 /7 and hopefully solve some of...
Welcome, in this tutorial I am going To teach you how to disable plugins in chrome Go ahead and open your chrome browser and In the address bar go ahead and type chrome://plugins and hit enter This is...



(INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC) He's an absolute treasure to have. He has got the most awesome personality and the most awesome sense of humour. He's always got us laughing. It's been a...
Though my mother was already two years dead Dad kept her slippers warming by the gas, put hot water bottles her side of the bed and still went to renew her transport pass. You couldn't just...



So I looked into the 24 Plus as it fitted into the work that I'm doing. It's a good incentive to not have to pay out for something straight away, very useful. I got introduced to...



I'm Melinda Hill and I have a comedy show called Tiger Lily. I found an alley out back where I asked people what they wanted to be when they grew up. This is All Growz Up. Please welcome...



Chief Financial Officer Better known as the CFO CFO from the cradle that's what I was bred to do why I stay ahead of you analyzing revenue You know I'm keeping track of my staff...
good morning, my name is Tonya Whitlock.I have 4 children currently in the Hillsborough County School District. I am here because I am very very concerned with the decisions that are being made for...
in Green Eggs and Ham I am Sam. Sam-I-am That Sam-I-Am. That Sam-I-Am. I do not like that Sam-I-Am. Do you like green eggs and ham? I do not like them, Sam-I-Am? I do not like green eggs and ham Would...
Disability once meant institutionalization, ostracism, neglect A loss of independence, a loss of hope But that day has passed Today, there is a community of supporters Providing services, expanding...

