SIMON OSTROVSKY: The Israeli military has organized a little briefing to show off their new missile defense system called the Iron Dome. And the commander has actually come here to tell the...
Hello this is David Duke. It seems every time I’m on a talk show and I bring up the subject of Jewish media influence you would think that somebody let out a loud one in church. What is the truth on...
'Voter Fraud' is the latest buzzword these days. But to my mind, 'Choice Fraud' is the real issue. For long before you even make it to the polling station it's...
If you not Jewish I have some great news for you! The former chief Shephardic rabbi of Israel has just proclaimed that the only reason that you as a non-Jew exists on earth, is to serve Jews. Another...
Israel say that the reason they've attacked the Gaza strip is to eliminate the rockets which are being fired by Hamas into Israel. So we decided to take a look at what kind of rockets are...
BALDWIN: What a day it's been. And now we get to talk to live from Capitol Hill Representative Ron Paul, Republican running for president. Congressman, Paul, welcome. Thank you for coming back on the...
His second deed is the renewal of the Mosaic Covenant. This act is reported in Nehemiah 8[:1-8]. There's an extended public reading of the Torah of Moses and that's followed then by a...