Welcome to G-TV! Today I will be showing you Invertek’s Optidrive Single Phase AC Drive from Bardac. These single phase VFDs are intended for single phase shaded pole and permanent split capacitor...
Hi, I'm Sarah Price. Today I'd like to show you how to customize the look of your Gmail inbox. I'll be showing you how to change the spacing between your messages, how to...
today we are going to make glossy hair to prepare images for stock first of all we will remove roughness on hair surface make a copy of base layer and call it "2" make second copy of...
All of the HeritageQuest Online collections, with the exception of the PERSI collection, contain images. There are five tools available when viewing images in HeritageQuest Online: Print, Download,...
{QTtext}{timescale:100}{font:Verdana}{size:20}{backColor:0,0,0} {textColor:65280,65280,65280}{width:960}{justify:center} {plain} [00:00:00.50] After Effects offers an ability called precomping....
Now, in this segment, we're going to talk about doing a front roll but instead of having the Frisbee right side up, it's actually going to be upside down. We call that inverted. Now,...



This next move is going to be a variation on the open V, I call it a open V hook. What you are going to do here is actually hook one of your feet on the pole while allowing your other leg to open to...
It is also possible to customize the actual series within the graphs – if you see we have got two series here. If we hover over them you’ll see we have got the various series. If I choose one of...
Hi, I’m Sarah Price. If you’ve ever checked your email in the dark, you know how blinding your bright white computer screen can be. Gmail has a number of theme options, like Dark, that help a little...

