NAME TAG: Previously on Helix... Explosives have been placed around the base. We draw Ilaria inside and implode the entire base on top of them. Do you have any idea what you've done by...



That huge belly is gone and instead there it is: a real human being. At times I thought that's just not possible. When I was pregnant myself I realized, that I had all the same kind of...



23.976 Pământul, acum 18.000 de ani. E o lume stăpânită de frig la apogeul ultimei mari Ere Glaciare. De-a lungul a zeci de mii de ani zăpezile netopite s-au condensat în gheţari masivi. Sub straturi...
The conference is in lecture mode. Woman: Hello, everyone. While we are waiting for the webinar to start, please feel free to answer the question we have open here. The title of this webinar is...



[Kayak Prince Willam Sound] >>Narrator: Slice through the waters of Prince William Sound as you paddle your kayak around the shimmering waters - it's a magical nature experience....
From The Teeth Of The Tide by Charles G. D. Roberts From The House In The Water A Book Of Animal Stories Hitherto, ever since he had been old enough to leave the den, the mother bear had been leading...
What do you think of the high fat low carb weight loss results we heard about? I think they are overblown if not outright wrong. The Atkins diet is based on a similar diet. The Atkins diet is low carb...
Woman: Well, hello, and welcome. Thank you for taking time to join us today. The topic is, what's new in TCPS 2. I'm Susan Zimmerman, executive director of... Executive Director of the...



Welcome, to Story Shamans. Here's what you're lookin' at. Two Bones Gentlemen. I'm Professor Bones. I'm Dr. Bones. We're here to initiate you, into the...
I find a lot of changes from the past. There are lots of new kinds of plants growing. We have a glacier up here around these parts, and it’s melting. It used to be a really big glacier and it’s...