Man: O'Donnell, save something for the game. I'm just warming up, coach. Just talked to the scout again. He's coming tonight. You play half the game I know you're...
Captain Rodrigo gave me the key for a reason. This is the only clue I have to my wife's murder. I've found the door that opens with that key. It's blood. The chalice is made...
Silver Bow D.D. provides and promotes choices and services that increase the health, safety, and independence of individuals with developmental disabilities. [music] [music] Enid Reece: How can we...
Welcome everybody I am Ryo I am Mandy, Ryo's partner We are the hosts for tonight We are both green in being hosts And hopefully there won't be any mistakes We will support each other...
Previously on The Borgias... CESARE: What of your cardinals' fortunes? There were debts. The treasury is filling, but not to the extent of equipping an army. Catherina Sforza gathers allies to...
Why would you turn your back on me while I'm talking to you? The same reason you turned your back on me when we were married. You see, things like that... That is exactly why things...
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Why does my husband always get mad at me? One possibility is that he’s angry and frustrated over other things, like a bad work environment, and he blows up at you when he can find an excuse. You’re...