a student at the University of North Carolina handed in a paper we're gonna read it to you because that's how short it is and got an A minus on this let let right look at on the...
It is Saturday Night in Chiang Mai and today we are heading to the Saturday Night market. Well, we're still a few blocks away but I know we're close - you know why? - because I can...
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( <i>theme music playing</i> ) Louie, this is Rieger in 264. Just dropped off a fare from the airport at 79th and Park. LOUIE: Got it. By the way, Rieger, better be on the...
[Electric Grain Mill BEST OFFERS] Blendtec 52-601-BHM Kitchen Mill BEST BUY/DISCOUNTS Blendtec 52-601-BHM Kitchen Mill BEST BUY/DISCOUNTS https://amzn.to/K9aE46 [Electric Grain Mill BEST OFFERS]...
I worked hard since I was a child throwing the garbage for my neighbors every night selling ice cream on the street the whole day coin by coin I was a little business man saving money to buy my own...
Society teaches us all about instant gratification. We're told from all different directions that you're not good enough. You need to get this to be happy, you need to get that to be...
Because you see so many young acts come in and, what do they have, I've got my show and here's my business card and you know, hire me. Right. And they're more concentrated on...
So I got this ordinarily very conservative CIO, and the other day she comes up to me out of the blue and tells me I can do virtually anything I want. So I was like, peace! I'm out of here!...