connection to a local trading network established. Hello I am Fravatar, and welcome back to this Let's Play of X3 Terran Conflict. where right away with them disney's first because...
I do love to cook. Something that not that many people are aware of. In fact, it's one of the reasons why I agreed to this documentary - just to prove a point: I am not the man you may think...
I came in a rush of foolish blood, swaddled in spent air. I had studied the floorplans of the building, sketched out like some vast heart, but still the size alarmed me. I would walk the corridors,...
Welcome to the Future, or should I say, your future. Here in your future, getting away on vacation is a breeze. Your smart suitcase knows where you're going and what you'll need. And...
starvation dot phrases like myself frank hydroxy decided what proxy parking passing grateful dead uh... everything he needed to know this is ninety eight three hundred tried to cover some proliferated...
In many ways, the rural community in Texas were created by the railroads. If you look at the creation of small towns, particularly in western Texas around San Antonio, they were pretty much all...
Hello, I'm maritime attorney Tim Young. I want to speak to you for a minute about working overseas. We've represented a lot of clients who have been injured when working overseas on...
Front Line is a large city based map that is mostly symmetrical, it offers plenty of diverse areas and unique encounters for every mech class and play style. The map is split evenly down the middle by...
If you only knew how many things I wanted to tell you. I know. And I'm just saying a lot of nonsense now. What have you got there? I picked it up in our garden. Apebble. Why... Why are you...