I have the flexibility of a pole

Hi, my name is Chell Garcia-Trias, and I'm a modern dance instructor here in Austin, Texas. I'm going to show you a variation on a runner's stretch in modern dance. So first...
I’m Heather McCanna with expertvillage.com and in this clip I’ll be discussing gymnastics warm-ups, specifically left and right leg splits. In order to perform the splits, you also need to do some...
Hi my name is Maryam Askaar and I'm with Expert Village and today we'll be doing a stretch class. So first we're going to work on our neck rolls. It's very important...
Sorry, please pay up What's the rush? It's one tael only, still two more You're not worth three taels You agreed on the price before you came in Yes, but mama san said your...
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Alie Vote" ' personally i have learnt ballet so i can tell Lee. Joon sunbae is very (can't read) from his posture and movements Miss A Suzy vote: ' I agree"...
The LT50 portable sawmill is the answer when you demand highly productive sawing and more efficient log handling. The LT50 is ideal for anyone who needs to be able to turn a lot of logs into lumber...
Hi, I’m Stephanie with www.CableOrganizer.com and I want to show you our Vierti switch by Lutron. This is an amazing little dimmer; it’s one of their newest products. It’s run by LED, which is really...
HAPPY APRIL FOOLS GIRLS!!!! it's chilton skates exp functional burgess sticker shock stacks ex-senator parties say for sure straight out ready for the same outbox well that's the std...