Tester, like the rest of his Democratic colleagues in the Senate, hopes House Republicans will approve a new "clean" continuing resolution to re-start government operations, now in...
Delson is upset that I didn't go with his plan to dominate the magic the gathering market. Instead I did what was right. I never intended to buy counterfeit cards. But in the middle of the...
I'm very excited that the Senate did pass the Senate version of the smoking ban bill. Certain legislation contained far more exceptions and exemptions than I would like. I would have preferred...



[MUSIC PLAYING] -Well, this is a real treat. Nancy Roeder has come all the way from Sherman, Oklahoma to meet with us in hopes of getting a job in IT today. We saw her video resume. -On your resume,...
[Interviewer] Joining us now, Lesley LeMasurier is one of Dr. Kelly's patients. By 18 years old she had already experienced 4 concussions. One was the result of a car accident. The others were...



[ Music ] >> Good morning Bulldog fans and welcome to UNC Asheville Bulldog update. Hi I'm Mike Gore with the head men's basketball coach Nick McDevitt. Coach, just one...
Who are we as Christians? 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that we are a "new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" What is the old? The old is our sinful nature by which we used to...
Hello, I'm Colin, and here are today's headlines from Pinksixty. Swimming legend Diana Nyad has had to postpone her dream of swimming from Cuba to Florida once again. According to the...
Chapter V The White Ape Tenderly Kala nursed her little waif, wondering silently why it did not gain strength and agility as did the little apes of other mothers. It was nearly a year from the time...
Here are some high resolution scans of the fakes. I know you are thinking, oh no here MTG LION goes again saying be brave and all that pride stuff. But this is a story about someone who did far more...