The Reddit Rap Up April 8th through 15th (oops) Bitch I’m an Airbus A380 Saying don’t make war, Make Mercedes How many times should we tell you? Companies are not people, Money and free speech? No,...
Hello folks. In the last video we talked about emitter wrap through, or this EWT cell, and we con, contrasted that to a traditional design and we realized that you can reduce the amount of shading...
I participated in last year's Davos event on YouTube, my video submission even got a response from one of the conference attendees. My "answer" from then remains the same....
MALE SPEAKER: Good afternoon everybody. Thank you for joining us this afternoon. Sorry we're a few minutes late. I just want to give a really quick introduction to Peter Andreas. He's...
Can you tell me a story, Frank? Tell me something good. A long time ago, you and me were fighter pilots in the war. The Flanagan Brothers. We were famous. No matter what, I want you two to stay...
<i>What if this was your house?</i> <i>Power's out. Lights are dead.</i> <i>Your little ones in their bunk...
I'm Michael Bungay Stanier, I'm the senior partner here at Box of Crayons and here's why courage - your courage - is the most important virtue of them all. Now I live in...
Mortals? In our realm? We closed them off, how are they here? You come into our land And ask us for help? How bold of you To make such demands We owe your kin nothing Mortal Do you incite my wrath? I...
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