You spend anywhere from $20 to $25 to $100, $150 for a studio session and you leave that studio session not getting a lot out of it, because you were not prepared or you didn't have the...
hey this is Mike with reviews quick and today I'm going to be doing an unboxing and review of the griffin studio connect you can pick these up at Amazon or I got mine at Sweetwater they run...
TRAVIS JOHNS: Hi. I'm Travis Johns with Expert Village and I'm going to be talking to you about power sources, another element of your home office that could easily be overlooked. Most...
Hi everyone, Amir Hoss with you. Thank you for coming into my studio. What I am going to do is run you through constructing, writing, producing a House Music track. Now the most important thing is...
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Okay, on this clip we're going to talk about light stands. Light stands come in different sizes and their sole purpose is just to hold the lights whether they're hot lights, or...
My name is Chris Ryan. I'm a photographer. We're here at my studio, Chris Ryan Photography, in northwest Portland. If you'd like to see more of my work, please visit my website...