I have the Holy Spirit in me. Why do I need deliverance? Your question should be: what have I got to lose? We contend that every believer should go through deliverance ministry. If you try to cast out...
welcome to another day a victory I'm excited today I'm starting a serious on the Holy Spirit God the Holy Spirit yes a so much in the Bible about the Holy Spirit and the so much we...
As my wife and I were praying this morning The Holy Spirit gave me this message to share with, Those of you who are on the narrow road, The sons and daughters of God.... This is what He said, I WILL...
5 foolish virgins returned to the Lord with profane fire, and they are rejected. I am going straight to the point. You are out there wondering why the Lord is not telling you a word, and why He never...
Many people will say with their mouth that the Holy Spirit is not a feeling, but their actions say the opposite. If they feel good about hanging out with family, just playing games or fulfilling a...
The Holy Spirit gave me a message concerning "Professing Christians", He asked me WHAT ARE THEY PROFESSING? See most Christians are SIN PROFESSING CHRISTIANS. They have NEVER REALLY...
Jesus Christ is Emmanuel, God with us. He Himself comes and lives IN and WITH us by His Holy Spirit if we invite Him in. If you accept Jesus then He Himself comes and lives IN YOU. His sheep LISTEN to...
I share with you a Word that I received from the Holy Spirit :- No fear of God, no awareness of Jesus. Believers are defending Bible and church and they are not following Jesus. They do not care to...
This week my wife and I have been doing a lot of prayer and fasting, And I have been praying and asking the Lord, To give me dreams that were from Him... I don't very often have dreams, But...
Welcome to “Revelation Unraveled”. I’m your host William Tapley, also known as the "Third Eagle of the Apocalypse", and the "Co-prophet of the End Times". Now,...