Hi everyone, and welcome to The Final Word. As you may remember, we're in a study of the Holy Spirit. We're looking at many different ideas about the Holy Spirit, and today we will be...
Hey Elbis, it's good to see you here. Nice to see you too Father. Why won't you come in? I can't leave my bicycle here Father, someone might steal it. Nonsense..The people here...
It shall be to Him as a Sign who calls holy unholy It is the One who lives, who testifies that I am the one who is continually talking with Him whose appearance is Fire It is the One who is testifying...
What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Do you know? Have you been baptized with the Holy Spirit? Can you be baptized with the Holy Spirit today? Welcome to the Final Word where we study God's...
Hello, welcome to "The Final Word". If you follow us, you know that on the Final Word we take God's Word on a subject and we study it in depth until we come to a final...
Hello, and thank you for joining us on The Final Word. For those of you who have been following along, you know that we are having a series of in-depth studies on the Holy Spirit. We have discussed a...
Jesus commanded His disciples to go out and make disciples but He did not sent them out with the necessary equipment and He also promised that equipment for those who would believe IN Him through...
I felt like I had to do this video there are a few people that umm keep telling other people effect unless you have uh... special gifts of the Holy Spirit, gifts of healing and tongues you...
cc Hi Today have a mesage from the Holy Spirit today to tell you that the Holy Spirit said the to know and be led by the Lord you must forsake the ways and paths of this generation if you want to be...
Holy Spirit, Dove of life, Come land on me. Holy Spirit, give me the power of the Trinity. Alleluia, Alleluia. Alleluia, Alleluia. Holy Spirit, open my eyes and let me see. Holy Spirit, Dove of life,...