The quality of whey protein depends on the diet of the cows which it is sourced from, cows which have a grass based diet have a higher concentration of healthy fats and quality proteins compared to...
Doug Thomas: So it's summer and hopefully, hopefully, that means very soon there's a vacation in your near future. We're going to talk about traveling today and using a program...
Broughty Castle by TravelPod member sfotch Flag on top of Broughty Castle by TravelPod member sfotch Me in front of the house nut storage facility by TravelPod member rossport One of the bathing...
Elsa? Do you want to build a snowman? Come on, let's go and play! I never see you anymore Come out the door It's like you've gone away We used to be best buddies And now...
Countryside by TravelPod member neason Loch by TravelPod member neason Stalker castle by TravelPod member neason Isle of the dead by TravelPod member neason Mist on the water by TravelPod member...
Hello MyFarmers. We’re with the Stockman Mark again, talking about cows for our next vote, and this is our Shetland herd. Mark, how many Shetland females have we got? We have fourteen senior cows...
Drying off the cozzies by TravelPod member carolandthomas Heading in for a dip by TravelPod member carolandthomas Highland cows in the loch by TravelPod member carolandthomas Loch Venachar by...
Plockton - 'Artificer's Square-on-Sea' by TravelPod member jockmcconn Plockton shop by TravelPod member jockmcconn Cruise ship off Plockton by TravelPod member jockmcconn...
Castle Doune by TravelPod member mariacg River Teith by TravelPod member mariacg Hardware store in Callandar:) by TravelPod member mariacg MacGregor Monument by TravelPod member mariacg Rob Roy by...
[Music] He is Dooncan McCow... ...the Highland Cow Keychain. Purchased in 2008, in the Highlands of Scotland... ...and he is still intact. He is inanimate. For six months he has been an adventurer......

