Hi, I'm Chris Harper and with me is John, and we're here to explain an application for rotator cuff. This is when you have pain among the muscles in the shoulder that are responsible...
Okay so, there a definitely two different types of wax, but there’s a lot of different waxes so, for instance, if we just want to break it into two categories we break into the application of the...



I cannot wait to take the test I'm sure I'll do my very best on the test I'll get my pencils and my rest And I'll be set for success But every test is like Get my...



Hello, my name is Carolyn Dean, drcarolyndean.com. I'm a medical doctor and a naturopathic doctor and I live in beautiful Maui. I've finished my 22nd health book, I have a free...
Host: Hi, I’m Tiffany Tift reporting for America’s Premier Experts and today we are in Orlando at the Hard Rock Hotel for a very special event. We are honoring America’s top 20 experts and today we...
So there's a lot of things that homeowners can do to add value to their home without going crazy. Some of the basics include, we all know, granite or stone counter tops. Why? Because they wear...
So, I'm here with bowl of white chocolate. And you can see I've set it over a double boiler. What I'm about to do is temper the white chocolate and I'm going to use...
How to Tie a Hangman's Noose Knot. Probably the most iconic of knots, this knot is easy to make and absorbs movement and shock extremely well. You will need and a single length of rope. Step...