English Subtitles by LuigiBlood/KiiroBomber The moment will come when I will be flying to the sky. Nothing will stop me, no more places will escape my sight. I will visit all places in the world,...



Hi that are Gustav filming Goodgame mafia andeeeee yes if you queston me sorry i know it i dont record exrtrem long time for i where busy and school im doingt more english comming soon more english...



Antibacklinkertourvide - Transcript - Andy: Hi, this is Andy Bailey, let me show you how the anti-backlinker plug-in will work. Now before I do show you how it works, itís important to remember that...
The Chop Chop cup routine is very old magic First I need to show you the bottom of the cup is solid I put the ball into the cup Magic wave And its in my pocket. Ball goes back into my pocket And...
Hola Amigos, this is Cymbal...as in...CymbalDoesMinecraft and we are playingdo i know its special guesstimate welcome and say something ni exhale people it uh... that's netscape nineteen...



c seven camps is the their ways watchdog and beyond that cleared up or kevin welcome back to our program great to have you with us are before we get to see an outbreak please tell me was the last time...
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is a guy that was aunt but bureau land management and uh... he was overseeing no production anyone obtained gifts from uh... oil companies and misused air travel this summit has been going on a long...

