Now what I'm going to do to end this blow dry, is I'm going to have Shelly bring her head right down forward so that I can get through the crown of her head. "So please come...
Moving on to the oils.I tried a sample of the COCASTA SHIKAKAI - I know Im not saying that right. Its an herbal infusion hairl oil from HairVeda. I love this stuff, normally I would make my own...
Good morning. Good evening. top of the day. Cheers and a hearty God bless you too. This is Scheria, also known as MoringaWorkout here on YouTube, instagram and twitter. Coming to you all the way live...
>>ANTHONY: So welcome to Morrocco Method International where natural things happen. So today we're going to be doing a blunt snip haircut. All of you ask 'what is a blunt...
I'm really excited because I've incorporated Pantene Nature Fusion into my beauty routine. It leaves my hair strong and shiny. And it's packaged in an Earth-friendly bottle,...
On behalf of, my name is Angie Yarid from LA Wax and Skincare Center in Miami, Florida and today we’re talking about body waxing. Okay let’s talk about waxing for men, I know we...
[SINGING] Now, I dare you to dare me. Introducing the first BB Creme for your hair from Pantene. Dare to get 10 solutions in just one step. Hi, I'm Danilo, celebrity stylist and global...
>>ANTHONY: Welcome back to Morrocco Method Int'l, where natural things happen. Today we're going to be doing a strengthening summer solstice haircut on David. Our new...
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Hey guys. Today I want to share with all of you my new favorite hair conditioner and the conditioner I'm talking about is this Silk Protein Conditioner from Healthy Hair Plus and it happens to...