Hi, I’m Laura from Hair Hardware and today I’m going to show you how to make a pinwheel bow like this little tiny brown pinwheel bow I have right here. The materials that I am using a glue gun, a...
So, I wanted to show you today how to waterfall braid short hair. You should air dry your hair or put a little beach spray, something to texturize the hair, texture balm, something to give you a...
(Latin Music) So today is a video about a.. (stutters)... stretching your natural hair. So, let me get started. And I hope that you guys enjoy and find this at least slightly useful. Okay guys, so...
Hey everybody, it's Laura from Hair Hardware and today I'm going to show you how to make this bow right here. It's a real cute and easy bow to make. You can make it in just 3...
this will be fun and maybe maybe maybe she'll love it so much that she won't chop it off that would be sad for you guys but maybe not sad for her because then she'd have cute...
Hi everyone it's April with Hair 101 i'm going to show you another color technique that I do It's called a paint between it's really good to do on anyone this is a good...
Dear colleagues and fans! I am Alexander Kuvvatov. Today I present to you the HAIR SET video magazine, issue #20. This issue consists of three parts. In the first Elena Hlebnova-Chernyavska, the hair...

