I work with architecture, I work with text, I work a lot with music, with light, with atmospheres. I make animations, I make things which change and shift over time. For this particular commission...
The Guggenheim in Bilboa by TravelPod member bloomie The Guggenheil and I by TravelPod member bloomie It is a way cool building by TravelPod member bloomie View from in the Hotel Room by TravelPod...
[Music] I think for the first time anybody had done it- I may be wrong- he just cleared out everything and all you had was that incredible hive up above and then you had the black floor and this huge...
This video shows how to create various basic shapes using the Shell Tool. The first one is a Cone, for which we need to use the Revolved geometry method. We draw a slanted line for the Profile...
The Customer Experience Improvement Program is designed so users can take part in improving the user experience of ArchiCAD. It happens by ArchiCAD anonymously recording usage data in the background...
>> My name is Patty Lipoma Kraft and I was class of '87 Wiess College, I was actually in the first class of women at Wiess, so it was kind of a wild experience, but I guess I had...



We're here in the British Museum and we're looking at the head of Augustus from about 27 or 25 B.C. So, who's Augustus? Well, Augustus of course became the first emperor. He,...