David Handley, Vegetable/Small Fruit Specialist: "I'm David Handley, vegetable and small fruits specialist for UMaine's Cooperative Extension, and we're here to talk...
Tom Davis: Plant breeding is like a moving target Lise Mahoney: It's continuous improvement Tom Davis: We're trying to generate the kinds of basic knowledge about strawberry genes and...
Mark Hutton: Hi, my name is Mark Hutton. I'm the University of Maine Cooperative Extension vegetable specialist and today we're going to talk about planting asparagus. When you make...
[music] David Handley: Hi, I'm David Handley with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, and we're here today to talk about growing strawberries off-season. This is day-neutral...
  [music] David Handley:  Hello. My name is David Handley. I'm with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. I am their vegetable and small fruits specialist. In the next few minutes we...
Hello, and welcome once again to the greenhouse herb garden here at Clean Valley Farms. I just wanted to give you a quick update on some of what we've got growing on there's been some...
My first aquaponic system basically 25 gallon fish tank the start of the fiscal but went far beyond tope 2 large goldfish & 20 smaller goldfish permits they mostly diet getting the aquaponic...
Hello everyone. One of the top requests I get is how to build a strawberry tower. This video will display all the necessary steps to build your own. The first step is to place a mark on each end of...
Domestic strawberries are considered a summertime fruit. But U.S. Department of Agriculture researcher Kim Lewers would like to have them around all year. Lewers is an Agricultural Research Service...