SRT by Yes Or No Malaysian Fanpage (from Facebook) Thanks to DreamShufflerZero (YouTube) Resynced: Don't peek How could I Right This way Take off the cloth Hey,...
bjbj Tyranny of the Prefrontal Cortex Presentation Notes Hi. I d like to ask you all to consider the following facts about the current state of our world. Our civilization is changing the climate of...
You live alone. Not really. The fish were my husband's. When you lose the person you love the most it's probably the worst what can happen. How do you know? I know. Uh-hm. You know....



[Darris] The United States President Franklin Roosevelt said in his first inaugural address, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." He spoke to a generation of people who...
Having children, Shaun and Megan, has changed my point of view almost 100%. Having a family is the most important thing to me of all time. Oh yeah, I can completely relate to what my dad felt when he...
Where're you going? Upstairs to my room. Have you taken your chloral? Mother, you know I don't like its effect on me. It's for your own good. Since your father's death,...
got a adverts fire the first grade combines salt friedman who's a promise for great matters it's called consequences of unequal distribution of wealth the rich get richer uh... and...
Why does my boyfriend never take me out? It’s almost the opposite of what I expect in a boyfriend. Does he act warm and loving to you? Yeah. He’s fairly romantic. Does he give you gifts? Does he talk...
[Darris McNeely] President Barack Obama will be giving his annual State of the Union address this week. And looking at some of the press coverage about that, the thought came across my mind,...
In your speech at the National Defense University, you talked about Partnerships, one of your priorities, saying, "The Navy and Marine Corps are naturally suited to develop these...