Prison officials say many of them are used to plan deadly crimes but the state of Texas has a plan of its own to silence cell phones and beat criminals at their own game The I-Team's Brian New...
Yvette Fielding está pasando una noche aterradora con la sensación pop de McFly Ella está desafiando a los chicos a pasar una noche entera en los 3 lugares mas tenebrosos de Northtumbia La banda pasó...



New insights into the mystery surrounding the Clyde cancer cluster. The parents of kids who died stepping up to find out what's wrong. Investigator Scott Taylor is tracking the new information...
Tonight there are new developments in the search for what could be causing the high cancer rate in the Clyde, Green Springs area. Good evening everyone I'm Diane Larson and I'm Lee...
My wife and I were talking last night of the appliance in our home is Whirlpool. Whirlpool has done many great things in our community but Genesis first chapter of the Bible it talks about god giving...
Hello There Today we are going to planet Kronos. last time we went to planet Sarathos also know as Planet Puke. But its better than Bill &Teds Excellent Adventure for the NES. They are just...
ZOMBIE: arghablargablar HR OFFICER: No, no, of course there's nothing wrong with your resume. Not as such. ZOMBIE: arghablargablar HR OFFICER: Yes, I can see how your ability to walk for hours...
Now it's too late to change the fate Ahora es demasiado tarde para cambiar el destino To change the way, the time is out Para cambiar la forma, el tiempo está fuera Way too soon you had to go...
Red Eyes, White Face, Blue Lips Ojos rojos, Cara Blanca , labios azules My Skin turning inside out Mi piel se pone del revés Ashtray smelling awful Cenicero con olor horrible Headache expanding,...
In this place tattered and torn En este lugar andrajoso y estropeado there's nothing to hold on to no hay nada a lo que aferrarse The end has been in sight for so long El final ha estado a la...