Today I'm riding the mountain roads on a Honda nc700x. I choose to start by the Atlantic Ocean, in port Aldea on the West Coast of Gran Canaria. I'm heading for the small town of...
My name is Martín I am the porter of the hotel Palm Beach Maspalomas I'm in this hotel for quite some time now I stepped into my father's shoes who has also worked as a porter here...
Four nice guys working at Moto and Bike rental shop accompany me on today's trip from Playa del Inglés. We are heading for St. Lucia with three BMW's, one Suzuki and one Honda, the...
This is not the freeway, it's the mountain road from Arguineguin to Mogan and it's a fascinating route. First you climb the steap and twisty road, then enjoy the panoramic view at the...
They should be here any minute! Welcome to this special meeting! VIDEOregi is launching three new channels today. Hey guys! Well, MOTORBIKEcamera will focus on camera tehniques, mounting tips, and...



In a globalized world interaction with others requires shared language for communication and language learning and teaching are increasingly important To enhance teacher education for the 20th century...
es la temporada de septiembre y voy a enseñaros lo que tengo en el invernadero ahora ...aqui hay estan madura ya y aqui esta una calabaza enorme...tambien hay fresas que estan...



Hotels combined make sure that your search for a hotel is as easy and stress free as possible. We search 100's of travel websites instantly so that you,the customer gets the best deal...
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Those who added me to their Facebook, Instagram and other social networks, probably already know what the next video will be about. And those who haven't, make sure you add me to your friends...

