wife's much wait a sec let's get to the point here you do every year one of the most famous I think repeated I in its not repeated you do a new one every year but you do this state of...
the nobody was there really well uh... in illinois is running for governor in there and he's a republican you won the primary school confidence in the sense that you know when uh... the...
David Pakman: Fred Karger's with us. He's the first openly gay Republican presidential candidate. He has not held elected or public office, but he's worked on nine presidential...
clearly i want one departing question i sense using ruby was someone that that bridges these camps that that they can keep the party united gained and help it modernize a move forward is there a...
let's go over all the different proposed by because materi says that he is not a for example to reduce spending down eighteen percent g_d_p_ which is your koni so he beats mitt romney a little...
the un check fraud to you by carbonite online backup was a serious look at the republic candidates uh... and i will have a prediction so i read it ready i know what you're thinking gambling...
in houston uh... don't worry republican reaching out to black voters that's great we've you know wanted this to happen along we want them to be inclusive that's great...
there's strangers republican trina itself by that sets up the aisle well if you will like of course michelle bachman guess what this guy allen quist in minnesota was michelle bachman ps mentor...
feel left out on the status of the release said into and every person on nine eleven stuff and meet a new was focused every press fred thompson says that the actuality we present sorry patty career...
you remember michigan that's where uh... that was one of the brownies home states the one where his father was a governor and a uh... chairman of the large auto mobile factor you know with its...