Announcer: Welcome back to The David Pakman Show. David: Welcome back to the show. I mentioned at the beginning of the show we're going to be at Netroots Nation from June 16th to 19th in...
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I have been probably a consistent drinker for probably since I was like seventeen years old up until I was a Freshman I was probably a daily, weekly marijuana user. My freshman year I went out and got...
This year we're finding both good news and bad news in terms of what we are observing the pattern of drug use in the United States. Good news is that we have the lowest rates of smoking that...



Hello. I'm Professor Ian Hunter, and I run the Bioinstrumentation Lab here in Mechanical Engineering at MIT. I'm joined by my colleague, Dr. Cathy Hogan, and together, including the...
deathly hot man in indiana was sentenced to two days in jail after a judge found that she had diluted her drug test that means she drank a huge amount of water prior to taking the drug test so it...
Hey guys, Trace here for Dnews. And you're on the internet right now, right? So you may be familiar with the vices of human life and we've put together a playlist of substances, both...
Hello, this is Scott and although not for everyone, this is a video for a good start for food supply. -------------------------------------------------- In the event of a crisis, where food is no...
Yes vivek.. Hello..Hello!! Yes..your prescription is ready, you need to buy You need to go to the pharmacy. Sister..sister one minute. What is this 10, sorry I don't understand. You...
This is what cocaine can do to a house. This is what heroin can do to a face. This is what marijuana can do to a car. Drugs are a problem in America, Ruining lives, Taking some away. What do we do...