The Open Government Partnership: A renewed relationship between government and civil society. In an Open Government citizens and governments work together to strengthen democracy, fight corruption and...



President Calderón’s Address to the Nation on Education during Third State of the Union Address Friends: We all want a Mexico that will provide more opportunities for young people that will enable...



El gobierno estadounidense inició un cierre parcial por primera vez en diecisiete años, después de que el Congreso no puso fin a un estancamiento entre ambos partidos en el plazo previsto de la...



President Calderón Addresses Nation on Infrastructure during Third State of the Union Address Mexico, like other countries, is suffering the consequences of one of the worst economic crises the world...



Address to the Nation on Health during Third State of the Union Address President Felipe Calderon: Enjoying good health services is one of the desires and aspiration of all Mexican families. That is...



On that Saturday, we were going to a friend's wedding… …and she went to Valencia to change some clothes that didn't fit her. And Amparo... "mom went to Valencia" We...
(Voice in off): In a few days ... national activities were normalized sacrificed started task repair and reconstruction of damage thus sown hatred under the slogan socialist in a failed attempt subdue...



Juan Carlos Monedero Professor of Political Science and Administration Author of: "The Government of Words for Times of Confusion" How easy it is to find people who are approaching...