Hello, my name is Todd Hansen and we're here at the Art of Fire Contemporary Glass Blowing Studio in Laytonsville, Maryland. We are at www.artoffire.com. I've been a glass blower for...
Hello my name’s Todd Hansen we’re here at the Art of Fire Contemporary Glass Blowing Studio in Laytonsville, Maryland. We're at www.artoffire.com. I’ve been a glass blower for about twelve...
Hi, my name is Ed Donovan I'm here at DC GlassWorks. You can find us at dcglassworks.com. We are a public access glass blowing facility, we also do metal and metal-casting and welding. We are...
What you are looking at is a pair of vessels called Chartreuse Pair by the American artist Dante Marioni. Unlike many of the artists in this gallery, Marioni did not go to art school, but received his...
Here are some of my favorite tools for nail art. First is a sponge. I love this, it helps with our ombre technique. Some people use a brush. I prefer to use a sponge. It's very simple, fun and...
the concept of theater is a very apt comparison we're almost like stagecraft people or stage directors the show does need those people in order to be expressed people go to museums they see...
[music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] >>Monica: What do you see up in here in this area? >>Student: Umm the...
ROBIN CASS>>>This year in the glass program we decided to focus on inviting artists that embrace both utilitarian design and conceptual sculpture in their work. So, Kathy fits...
Hi, my name is Ed Donovan. I'm here at DC GlassWorks, you can find us at dcglassworks.com. We are a public access glass blowing facility. We also do metal and metal casting and welding. We are...
Hi, my name's Ed Donovan, I'm here at DC Glass Works, you can find us at dcglassworks.com. We are a public-access glass blowing facility. We also do metal and metal casting and...