This Daddy and mommey and 4 kids lose there home and everything they had a month ago to house fire !Eric and Nichole the mom and dad woke up before day light to find there home on fire ,! It was then...
Is it good to mix cardio with weight training? I’ve heard that it can hurt your muscle growth and that you have to do cardio to get the most out of your workouts. Weight lifters often do cardio on...
Do bodybuilders have functional strength? Why would you ask that? It is the difference between a sprinter and a marathon runner. They may be able to lift 200 pounds for show, but can they carry a...
Nice girls finish last That’s why I’ll ride you like horses It’s not what I really want to do Oh, you only date bad girls so I’ll give it my best try to Treat you the way you want me to. I never hold...
僕のサウンドを言葉で説明するのはいつも難しい ただ僕 コナーというだけ 今 僕がこうしているのは どういう影響を受け 何が動機で 何にインスパイアされたからなのか ひとつに絞り込むのはとても難しいんだ 幼い頃から 両親はいろんな音楽を聴いていたよ スティーヴィ・ワンダー マイケル・ジャクソン その他レジェンドと呼ばれる人達みんな 父方母方共に 芸能の仕事についている人間がいた おじいちゃんは俳優...
Somethin bout a truck in a farmers field A no trespass sign, and time to kill Somethin bout a truck in a farmer's field And there's somethin bout a girl, in a red sun dress with an ice...
we have a one-minute out who underwent thirty surgeries few ad how the largest banks in the world and it turns out that now if you have that infection and that he regrets everything we have a video...