The Odyssey by Homer Translated by Samuel Butler Book XXIII Euryclea now went upstairs laughing to tell her mistress that her dear husband had come home. Her aged knees became young again and her feet...
Wat ben je nu aan het doen? Is het iets dat je echt graag doet? Op deze exacte seconde zijn er miljoenen mensen aan het doen wat ze gelukkig maakt. Maar wacht even... Je bent een groot deel van je...



[music] Colin Bailey: [0:04] artist who died too young, actually, who died in his fifties, who left a limited oeuvre that revolutionized, literally changed the way modern art would look. The...
I'm Allison Campbell and I'm here with Nancy Hess in the Radiochemistry annex in EMSL. So Nancy can you tell us a little but about yourself and the facility that we are in? Sure. I...



Human technology today is outstanding, mind-boggling almost beyond comprehension; we have advanced so quickly in such a short space of time that most of us are unaware of our true capabilities. While...
The Earth is full. It's full of us. It's full of our stuff. Full of our waste. Full of our demands. Our economy is now bigger than our host: our planet. What this means is that our...
Hello this is Heather for Expert Village and we've just finished spraying the henna design with lemon sugar and I'd like to explain to you just a few tips for taking care of the henna...
Hello this is Heather for Expert Village and in this clip we're going to continue showing you how to do some gilding and crystals to enhance your henna design. Again, just squeezing very...
Hello this is Heather for and in this clip we're going to continue on with the bridal henna design that we've already started. Next, what we're going to do is...
Hello this is Heather for Expert Village. We've just done a full Indian bridal design on Dez and now what we're going to do is spray it with some lemon sugar. I got mine from Henna...