[music] Colin Bailey: I don't want to get bound up with one approach. I want to go back to a very fundamental obligation of the museum, which is to conserve, to show, to communicate, to...
[music] Colin Bailey: I love this portrait. It's of a young militiaman, quite a grand figure, a man called Joris de Caulerij, who was from The Hague. Rembrandt, young, in his late 20s, goes to...
There are enough cases of things going wrong that clearly for The Royal British Legion thinks we must gather some of these key issues and concentrate political minds on them. Indeed, concentrate the...
[music] Interviewer: Let's talk about Watteau, La Partie Quarrée. Collin Bailey: The Foursome, Party of Four, actually has that resonance. Two couples in theatrical costume, in a park....
[music] Colin Bailey: [0:04] ...an artist who died too young, actually, who died in his fifties, who left a limited oeuvre that revolutionized, literally changed the way modern art would look. The...
[music] Interviewer: A portrait of a gentleman who had an amazing impact on the world of art and the world of politics, a sculpture by Cellini. Colin Bailey: The portrait of Cosimo de Medici is one of...
if I recall it was a sunny and we heard over the radio my friends there were two overs friends and I and we heard that yep and head brewer bombed Pearl Harbor the and show that was December 7 1941...
Prominent French sculptor remembered. The renowned Louise Bourgeois passed away on Monday, May 31 at the ripe age of 98. Regarded as one of the most influential for an entire generation of modern...
What has steep streets, cool summers, and enough stunning sights to last a lifetime? You got it: San Francisco. And what gets you access to those stunning sights all in one easy pass for half what...
The fourth torch will be lit by Felix Zandman, born in Grodno, Poland.” Once more there was a large transport from Grodno, again going to Treblinka and to Auschwitz. Normally they would take 10,000...