Ah, I feel very comfortable here. This is wonderful! Guess ... Guess how old I am. Now I want to see! I sewed a lot to Hebe ... I'm Helena Beretta Beltrame I'm 80, I'm from...
Petrobras has a historic relationship with Brazil and its local content. LOCAL CONTENT THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL SUPPLIERS FOR THE OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION CHAIN What sets Petrobrás apart with...
"without territory, there is no culture" guarani principle When we first arrived at Tava Guarani's settlement, we didn't know much more than what could be read in the...
I was introduced to OGX when OGX was little more than an empty room with some spaces where they were going to put computers. I arrived here when it was still much like a PowerPoint presentation. Just...



We are used to overcoming challenges. Prior to our 60-year anniversary, there was still one mission left for us. Initiating Neptune Mission. To give you a better understanding, we'll tell the...
A drop of Everton implies a rise on Manchester City and on the draw. So let's consider the simplest scenario that is the rise both of Manchester City and the draw odds. What do we do then to...



The traditional academic education of nowadays demands the fulfillment of some rules and regulations that does not allow, frequently a notch of experimentation of freedom... What is the...
Hello, how are you? About this guys that work in Telemarketing? Customer service? Emergency Alarm Center? Oh Yeah These people have good stories to tell! Take a look at this one that happened at...