Liberdade econômica desempenha um papel fundamental em nossas vidas. Desde a quantia gasta pelo governo até os direitos de propriedade garantidas aos cidadãos. E liberdade econômica de um país esta...



Aqui do meu lado você vai ver uma máscara do Charlie Chaplin girando e tem uma ilusão de ótica muito interessante, a parte de trás da máscara que é cor de pele ela também parece que é um rosto, você...
Uma pergunta pra você. Como é que a gente começa investindo com pouco dinheiro? Se por exemplo eu sou estudante, nem renda eu tenho. Como é que eu faço pra começar minha construção de patrimônio?...



first step before anybody else in the world believes it you have to believe it 7 00:00:10,566 --> 00:00:10,866 I'm never really view myself as... particularly talented where I excel is...
There is a globalization of markets, of finances, of investments... There is, also, a globalization of information, but there hasn’t been created, in an international plan, instances of government...
He was betrayed by his own brother He lost his family He was trapped in a cavern Yet he became a man Life is made of many searches A search can last a lifetime but when a man discovers his greatest...
When it comes to vaccines, the real issue is that you have a choice. Either you trust your immune system, which has evolved for hundreds of thousands of years, which was developped by nature... You...
Hello, I'm Lenna Bahule from Maputo-Moçambique. I started in music with 5 years old. I listened to a lot of music with my father,and this contributed to create a unconscious interest in...
CHILD'S TALK Daniella Freixo de Faria Hello, my name is Daniella F. de Faria. Today we're talking about the difference between punishment and consequence. Punishment, in fact, makes...



Somehow, in man's evolutionary route, has happened the sophistication - the enormous - sophistication of brain and of the mental states that escort our experiences. Exactly why this has...