Morning. Oh, the sir keeps waiting finally. Sorry, I didn't hear you at all. No problem. I guess we are the late comers. Well, the best comes last. Why aren't you with the others...
Hi, bro! Whats up? Stop Stop..Come here You wanted meet with uncle Dima, right? -No No? Stop Stop.. Stop, bitch! I'll break your arm.. stay, fuck! Why did you come here? Let's seat...
let's go to voicemail two one nine to david p you can leave a voicemail anytime of day two one nine to david p here is uh... let's just start going through some of these here's...
Go, go... Hey there, bro! How are you, huh? Stop, stop, stop... no, come here. You came here to meet up with Uncle Dima, right? No. -No? Stop. Stop, you little bitch, stop. Stand there, damn it. Why...
BULLY: What’s this? To hell with it. BULLY: Come here. BULLY: Greet our hero with applause. Our first one! BULLY: Introduce yourself. Don’t be afraid, we won’t hurt you. Come on. What’s your name?...
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The state's anti-discrimination laws are being put to the test at a tribunal hearing in Melbourne this week. A support group for young gay people living in rural Victoria claims it was subject...
there's a gay teen who ripped out some Bible pages as a kind of protest against anti-gay bigotry and he's been suspended by his school in Texas Huffington Post wrote about this the...
Are you homosexual? Yes or no? Yes or no? Yes and no How the fuck yes and no?! Because there are people who... Calm down! There is who... Who what? Who can be with boys and girls... So you are...
the weirdest thing but it's come to my attention that in a movie about gay teen suicide called minnesota nice which i'm not familiar with there's a point in the beginning of...

