Hello, my name is Sibcoe, welcome to another episode of A Gamer Guy's Review. I'm no professional critic, but a gamer just like you, with decades of experience in just about every kind...
alright what is up guys Rex Raptor222 again I am and back here in the morning time for rust and thankfully I old while the night time was going around hide met up with this person very nice...
Like Chuck Norris?You can type Chuck Norris into any MMO and somebody will say... Chuck Norris? Ya Walker Texas Ranger (click) Chuck Norris? Ya, I know Chuck Norris, he's my boy.Ya He hangs...
Alright, show of hands. Who here thinks he's gonna say "no" without any solid reason? Okay. Now show of hands. Who here KNOWS he's gonna say "no"...



Odd! We are going to have a lan party now. Anton. It's lan now. At Axel's place. NOW! Odd. Do you come? Odd. Do you come? Why the hell are you going to do that? What? Fucking softy,...
I remember a time when vampires were awesome Bad ass Blood Sucking Monstrosities. And when I grew up I loved them, Not in an I'm going to grow out my fringe and wear my mothers makeup kind of...
[8-bit video game music] Hi guys. Welcome to Chronic Gamer Girl. My name's Ilana. Today we're going to play Super Mario. Just kidding. Love that. [Laughter] Mario. I'm saying...
DANI: Jason, your clever use of the plus-eight scroll of darkness has zombified half the town of Snapdragon Falls. What's next? JASON: I walk into yonder Tavern to the Keeper Good and True,...
And now... Gaming Wildlife Presents Sh*t That Gamers Don't Say. Hey, have you pre-ordered the Xbox One yet? I shouldn't spend money on this game. I'll never buy a digital game....