[music] >> STEVE: It saddens me to bring news that one of the greatest comedy writers and directors of our time, Harold Ramis, died this morning from complications of a rare disease...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 Quality you can trust Call...
BOY: So what's happened so far? [KAZOO FANFARE] GIRL: I'm going to tell an unbelievably scary story about a muffin that makes you act differently than you normally act. Once, in a...



[Throat clear.] It's the Greg Karber Video Show why won't you please subscribe? Thanks, everybody! Thanks, everybody! I've written a new song for you today. I figured...
let's go to some voicemails louis because we have i have a tone of voice mails to get to hear uh... the phone number for voicemail is available to twenty four hours a day the number is two one...
No friends? Tired of saying the words "table for one"? Try "AWESOME BALM!" What's that? I can feel it working! And just look at those results! Hey man! Hey...
Choosing and Using Quotations, a la Shmoop. Quotations can strengthen your paper… …if they’re carefully selected and well-placed. A handful of guidelines will help you resist the urge to add spice to...
Hey Google, I'm Bethany and we want you to be our valentine! Guys, what are you doing? We're wooing Google for Valentine's Day, just like you said. This is supposed to be about...
Well, I know some people who know some people who knew that person when they were people I know persons who once were people but they don't act like people now Well, the day comes in the...

