A North Korea-flagged tanker laden with crude from a rebel-controlled port in Libya has escaped its naval escort and is headed for international waters. A member of Libya's General National...
Let's start this lunchtime with some fantastic news on the nation's trade front... Following their second summit talks in just six months..., President Park Geun-hye and visiting...
The landmark deal on Iran's nuclear program has opened the door for more business transactions with Korea. Seoul's finance ministry says it will begin allowing business dealings next...
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's lavish spending accounted for nearly half of what the young leader spent on the country's ballistic-missile program in 2012. Citing the UN Commission...
The vice foreign ministers of Korea and Japan will meet for talks in Seoul on Wednesday, for the first time in eight months. But with Korea continuing its demand that Tokyo must first apologize for...
let on the phone it's a pleasure welcome to the program professor brooke baker he is the head of the health of global access project at the northeastern university school of law welcome to the...
very interesting conversation where i am i learned a couple of things him status within fletcher he's an adjunct fellow for the u_s_ business and industry council he's also the author...
A group of iwi leaders will meet Polynesian leaders ahead of the Pacific Forum in Rarotonga next week. Tuku Morgan, who was appointed by King Tuheitia as political spokesperson for the Kingitanga is...
President Park Geun-hye and visiting Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper will meet this Tuesday afternoon... to discuss finalizing the free trade agreement between their two countries. Negotiations...
So let's power through this now. What we were asked to do is conduct a study of the impact of bilateral and regional trade agreements on trade and investment barriers and Australia's...