[♪upbeat music♪] This Week in Army History. Throughout military history, commanders have fought back against impending danger rather than yield to it. One such strategic leader was Robert E. Lee,...
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And I read something amazing online today about these free clinics. It was about how we were exploiting poor people. Well, there's no exploitation obviously, the patients are not asked to join...
Mike happened money on the line with us the attorney knows to bring a fire radio ring a fire radio dot com Pat thanks so much for filling in for me yesterday world tummy have a great audience let me...
Hi New Jersey, it's Maggie Moran, Governor Corzine's campaign manger. In recent days, more than 52,000 of you, have signed up through our website to attend the event with President...
The rest of the time, I'm having fun. Now I have time to study. If you remember, my mother, who named me Tiberius, She is Romanian. I'm Tiberius, King of the World. But if I have no...



Music. Athletes Unlimited is a non-profit Organization that provides athletic outlets for people with disabilities. Everyone regardless of abilities benefits from participating in sports. Athletes...
What are the consequences of a DUI conviction if you don't hire a Garfield Hts Ohio DUI Lawyer? You may be sentenced to jail time or community service and probationary period, at a minimum. If...
Theme song: Welcome to Penelope's World, Penelope's World, Penelope's World. It's a talk show about stuff. I have a teddy bear and a tiara! Penelope: Hi! I'm...
When we're talking with prospective employees we let them know that Village Bank believes in servings our neighbors, our customers, this neighborly core value concept translates very well with...